Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The trip

I went away to Google When I came home everybody was okay. Michaelhad missed his meds Sunday and I was all upset. He did survive and I got a break. I hope there are no more trumpet playing freak outs this week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Faith in normalcy..
Faith in peace..
Faith in calmness
Faith in serenity...

Every day when your life is touch with someone who has bipolar disorder you have to dig deep to find your faith.  the limits are tested each and every minute just as god tested limits.  Families of children with bipolar are tested minute by minute or as my friend says., "one lonnngg day at a time"

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hopeless helpless

The disease is so unpredictable. The moment you look at your child and think my he is doing well it can change. In a second a parent of a bipolar child goes from joy to helplessness. We seek out peace and take time when we can. Our lives are so unknown we cannot prepare for anything. Each. Child with this illness is different and that makes it feel even more hopeless. What I understand and can handle today will not be what happens tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

my amazing son

10 years old
5 medications
bipolar, ADHD, depression
hugs and kisses
please and thank yous
totally hyper ooc
rages for not getting his way
Tries to read
Loves soccer, basketball, flag football, gymnastics, and running
believes in God